Monthly 100/- Rupees Contribution

100.00 / month for 24 months

Our Mission is to build a Masjid in every locality/Zone/City/Town by gathering 1 Lakh Members (and more) to take part in our Project by committing only Rs. 100/- monthly.

SKU: monthly-100 Category:

Baitussalam Foundation is a project Initiated to Build Masaajid across the nation. There are many villages and towns in India where there is a need of Ahle Hadees Masjid (according to the values found in the Quran and the Sunnah (practice of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), based upon the understanding and methodology of the early generations of Muslims). Our Mission is to build a Masjid in every locality/Zone/City/Town by gathering 1 Lakh Members (and more) to take part in our Project by committing only Rs. 100/- monthly.